Extra Pork Chop


At Cali Aji Latin Kitchen and Bakery, we understand your love for our delicious pork chops. That’s why we offer the option to add an extra pork chop to your order, so you can enjoy even more of this tender and flavorful dish.

Our pork chops are carefully seasoned and grilled to perfection, resulting in juicy and succulent meat with a delightful, charred exterior. Each bite is a burst of savory flavors that will leave you craving for more. Whether you prefer the tenderloin or rib chop, our extra pork chop option ensures that you can satisfy your appetite and indulge in this mouthwatering delicacy.

To enhance your dining experience with an additional pork chop, simply let our friendly staff know that you’d like to include an extra serving with your order. They will be more than happy to accommodate your request and ensure that you have a satisfying meal.

Visit Cali Aji Latin Kitchen and Bakery today to relish the irresistible flavors of our pork chops and explore the rich culinary traditions of Latin American cuisine.

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