Huevono Sandwich


Fresh Pandebono Bread, Egg & Cheese, Bacon, Ham or Sausage.

Introducing the Huevono, a mouthwatering creation that combines the irresistible flavors of fresh pandebono bread, a perfectly cooked egg, gooey cheese, and your choice of bacon, ham, or sausage.

Imagine sinking your teeth into the warm, freshly baked pandebono bread, its exterior golden and crispy, while the inside remains soft and cheesy. The delightful combination of flavors and textures tantalizes your taste buds, leaving you craving more.

Nestled within the pandebono bread is a perfectly cooked egg, its yolk oozing with velvety goodness. As you take a bite, the creamy egg yolk mingles with the cheesy goodness, creating a rich and satisfying sensation.

To further enhance this delectable creation, you have the option to add your choice of bacon, ham, or sausage. Each selection adds its own unique savory touch, infusing the Huevono with smoky, savory notes that perfectly complement the other ingredients.

The Huevono is a breakfast delight that is sure to satisfy your cravings and ignite your taste buds. It is a symphony of flavors and textures that elevates the traditional breakfast experience to new heights.

Join us and experience the indulgence of the Huevono, where the fresh pandebono bread, a luscious egg, gooey cheese, and your choice of bacon, ham, or sausage come together to create a breakfast masterpiece that will leave you with a smile on your face and a contented appetite.

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